Can you believe it? The last week of October! Our students and faculty thoroughly enjoyed homecoming week this year. We involved most of our students, teachers, and administrators in the first "Pioneer Lip Dub." It was amazing to see the cooperation and planning that went into this venture. You can check out the results by clicking on the YouTube video link on our main website
Construction continues to go very well. The roof is going on the new cafeteria/auditorium and you now get an excellent feel for what the stage and auditorium are going to look like. The concrete footings for the gymnasium are all complete and we should begin to see the steel framework of the gym take shape in the next 30 days. The blue metal siding is now complete at Frostick and will be done at Meyer by the end of the week.
Academically, we've finished the MEAP period. We realize that testing is necessary, but the MEAP is a huge intrusion over a two week period. Our kids did a great job and we thank the parents for their help during this time. Parent/teacher conferences are this week at our two elementary schools.
Our fall sports season is winding down with districts/regionals coming up for football, volleyball, and cross-country. We host a first-round football playoff game this Friday night (October 29) at 7:00.
Kevin D. Miller, Ph.D.
Croswell-Lexington Schools Superintendent