I want to thank about 100 members of the community for joining staff and students at the historic groundbreaking for the soon-to-be-renovated Cros-Lex High School. We should see earth moving vehicles on the grounds north of the existing high school in a couple of weeks. The 18 month construction period will contain four phases. In Phase 1, the additions will get underway including the new science labs, new gymnasium, and new cafeteria/auditorium.
It really has been an historic year in our district. Not only are we embarking on the remodeling and renovation of our buildings, but we also added our Early College program. We have 45 students starting simultaneous high school and college courses for their junior year in the fall at our new Geiger College Center.
Our goal eventually is to see more than 50-percent of our high school graduates achieve a college diploma. The Early College program will lead us toward that goal. I'm also working with Oakland University to bring Bachelor's and Master's degree courses to our College Center. We hope to see those courses begin as early as the winter of 2011.
Cros-Lex always welcomes "Schools of Choice" students. If you have friends who live in a district that borders Cros-Lex who want to be a part of our exciting future, please have them come to Central Office to complete the necessary forms. They can also download fill-in Choice forms at our website.
Have a great summer! It's been a busy, but terrific year!
Kevin D. Miller, Ph.D.