Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December happenings

Wow! The first trimester blew by this year! Why does it seem that the older I get, the faster the years go by?

As we wrap up the fall, I encourage you to check out the link on our district's main home page ( that will take you to a slide show with the latest 3-D color drawings of our soon-to-be renovated Croswell-Lexington High School. Or, you can click here to get right to the page. I hope you'll be as excited as I was the first time I saw these drawings. It is exciting to see the hours we've spent with our architect pay off with these amazing drawings.

I also hope to have a major announcement right after the new year on an amazing program that will have a dramatic impact on our students' ability to attend college in the future! Stay tuned for that.

Thanks for your continued support. Despite the difficult economic times, there are great days ahead for Croswell-Lexington Schools.

As we near the holiday season, I want to wish each of you a blessed Christmas. All three of my daughters will be home this year and my oldest daughter's fiance will also be with us for Christmas. I am extremely thankful for my family, my job with Cros-Lex, and for our school district.


Kevin D. Miller, Ph.D.
Cros-Lex Superintendent

Monday, November 23, 2009

Latest news on school funding and architectural plans

The November 20 deadline has passed for our legislature to enact revenue enhancements to halt additional funding cuts. The governor now says that all Michigan school districts will see another $127 per pupil cut beginning with our December 20 state aid payment. That brings the total cut to $292 per child, or more than $630,000 reduction for Croswell-Lexington Schools.

On the positive side, we have put the final stamp of approval on the renovation and addition plans for the high school. The architectural drawings are extremely impressive. If you get a chance to stop by the high school, see our principal, Mr. Kerhoulas, to look at the plans.

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is upon us. Where has the fall gone? I hope you have a great holiday weekend with your families and that we all take time to be thankful for what we have.


Kevin Miller, Ph.D.
Cros-Lex Superintendent

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Funding and Flu

Funding and's that for alliteration? I know most of you are probably not aware of how school funding works, so let me give you a quick "School Funding 101" course. Normally, we get 11 state aid payments, but our final check for the current school year doesn't come until August 20. Remember that our fiscal (budget) year begins on July 1. Yesterday (October 21) we got our first state aid payment with money for the 2009-2010 school year. So, technically we run our district from July 1 through October 20 on our fund equity. That's one of the reasons we keep a healthy fund equity; so we don't have to borrow money to pay our employees, etc.

The newest state aid bill, signed recently by Governor Granholm, cut our state payment by $165 per student divided into those 11 payments. There are multiple line items on our payment from the state, including special ed funding, at risk money, school lunch reimbursement, and a discretionary amount that we can use any way we want. Much to our surprise, there was an additional HUGE cut in our discretionary payment; nearly double the size of our per pupil cut. So...our payment from the state was $93,000 less than it should have been. Multiply $93,000 by 11 payments and that would be a cut of more than $1 million. We're being told that we'll be able to get the discretionary money back if we formulate a district consolidation plan by February 1. Our state government never ceases to amaze me!

Regarding the flu...districts to the west and north of us have already been closed for 1-2 days because of high student absences due to the flu. We continue to monitor our attendance daily and we are in communication with the Sanilac County Health Department and the Michigan Department of Community Health regularly. I can tell you daily what districts are closed due to illness. If we see our incidences of flu increase dramatically, we would consider shutting down schools to stop the rampant spread of the virus. Generally, if we dip below 80% attendance, we begin to consider closing. So far, each building has stayed well above 90% and we have not seen a dramatic increase in flu-related absence. We'll use our School Messenger system to keep you informed in the event that it becomes an issue for the district.

Kevin D. Miller, Ph.D.
Cros-Lex Superintendent.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Disappointed in our State Legislature

I write to you today disappointed that our Michigan State Legislature apparently disregards the importance of education for our state's future. I contacted both Senator Barcia and Rep. Espinoza after learning late Wednesday that our legislature will vote soon on one of the most devastating education bills in our state's history.

If approved by the State Senate and House and signed by Governor Granholm, we would see an immediate cut of $218 per pupil in the Croswell-Lexington district. That would equate to nearly $500,000 cut for our district. What makes this legislation even more difficult to understand is that we're nearly 1/4 of the way through our fiscal year. To cut us now gives us much less of an opportunity to reduce spending, especially when 85% of our budget is "people".

One might say, "you have fund equity, use it" and we will. We were already planning to use about $500,000 of our equity this year to balance the budget. That figure would now be doubled. Even more important, though, is that cuts to education don't lead us to a better financial future in Michigan. In fact, we're already hearing that these cuts are just the tip of the iceberg...that further cuts might be made later this school year and into next year. I loved the Detroit Free Press headline last week that said "If Children are our Future...apparently Michigan doesn't care." Education is the ONE thing we need to invest in as it is THE MOST important thing for our children's future and for the future of our state.

I understand that we're in the midst of a state budget crisis. However, the data I'm looking at does not indicate that we can simply "cut our way out of the crisis." We need to look at an overhaul of revenue gathering mechanisms in the state to help offset the crisis.

I hope you'll join me in contacting your state senator and representative to urge them to support education. Call Senator James Barcia (Bar-sha) at 517-373-1777 or Representative John Espinoza at 517-373-0835. Let them know that the MOST important part of our future is the education of our students.


Kevin D. Miller, Ph.D.
Croswell-Lexington Schools

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Great first day of school!

It was great to have our students and staff back yesterday after a long summer. This is my third year as superintendent and this was the best "first day of school" we've had. Buses all arrived on time, we welcomed the students with open arms, and the day went very smoothly.

Since we're funded by the number of students who attend, our student count is always a concern. It appears that our enrollment projection is very close to our actual count. We'll know more in a few days, but it appears we'll be down about 50-60 kids. This is simply a result of a large graduating class and smaller birthrates in Sanilac County, which results in smaller kindergarten classes.

Our custodial staff had the buildings looking great and our bus drivers did an exceptional job on day one. Our teaching staff is committed to making this the best year ever, especially after a year of transitioning to trimesters at the middle and high schools.

We've dedicated ourselves this year to reaching EVERY student. Failure is not an option and we've put new programs in place to get students immediate help when they are struggling. We debuted new software this summer that helped more than 20 students regain lost credits. This same software can be used during the year to aide students who fall behind.

Here's to a terrific school year ahead!!


Kevin D. Miller, Ph.D.
Cros-Lex Schools Superintendent

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Teachers are back; students come next week

Teachers report on Monday (Aug. 31) for the first of three preparation days this week. We have invited all county teachers to our professional development on Tuesday at the Lexington Music Theater. In the past, this has been held in Sandusky. I thought it would be nice to have nearly 400 teachers (most probably haven't been in the theater) in downtown Lexington, promoting our businesses and introducing the city to the entire county's education community.

The buildings are looking great and are ready for our teachers and students. Pioneer Stadium looked great Friday night (thanks grounds crew) for our football opener. The new lights cover every inch of the stadium. We used a temporary sound system. The speakers should be mounted this week on the new light poles. Over the next 2-3 weeks security lights will be mounted about 30 feet up on the poles and our new home bleachers will arrive...hopefully in time for our homecoming game on October 9.

Our maintenance and grounds staff will complete the work on the Meyer playground this week. The other project, replacement of our high school gym roof, will also be completed this week in time for the start of school. The roof was ripped off by a huge wind storm last winter and the replacement is covered by our insurance.

Buildings will be open this week through Thursday and closed Friday through Monday for Labor Day weekend. Check our district website for the list of Open Houses for each school. This is a great opportunity to see the school, its classrooms, and to meet administrative staff and teachers.

We are extremely proud of our school district and we appreciate those of you who have spread the word about the great things we're doing for our students. If you've got friends or relatives who live in a neighboring district looking for a terrific education for their kids, have them enroll through "school of choice."

We look forward to the arrival of the students on Tuesday, September 8! As always, if you have questions/comments, please email me at

Kevin D. Miller, Ph.D.
Cros-Lex Superintendent

Monday, August 17, 2009

3 weeks until school starts

As I write this on Monday, August 17, this promises to be a busy week. Let me update you on a few projects. The new parts for the Meyer playground swing sets will arrive over the next two days and installation will commence immediately. As soon as that's done, we'll complete the pea stone. We will hydro-seed the other half of the area as that grows much faster than traditional seeding. It is really taking shape.

We are nearly finished with all five buildings on our new floor polishing system. We will complete the job at Meyer over the next two days.

If you haven't seen the football stadium looks strange not to have any bleachers or lights, but that will change over the next 7 days. Light poles are due to arrive today and will be installed by Wednesday. The smaller bleachers for the east side of the stadium will be installed Friday and Saturday this week. The concrete pad that will hold the new "home" bleachers on the west side of the stadium will be complete by mid-week.

We met with our architect last Tuesday and I'm looking forward to sharing the latest drawings with you. It's exciting to see how the new building will match up with what we're doing at the stadium. We will eventually have a beautiful outdoor "plaza" area between the cafeteria/auditorium/gymnasium and the stadium. When you see the drawings you'll see how it all ties together. I'll unveil the latest drawings at our August 25 board meeting.

Congratulations to the Cros-Lex Girls Little League team. One more win and they reach the World Series semifinals in Portland, Oregon. All 10 of these girls attend Cros-Lex Middle School. Not only are they good softball players, but they are also terrific young ladies!

You are always welcome to contact me via email at
I look forward to hearing from you.

Until next time,

Kevin D. Miller, Ph.D.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer Construction

There are many projects being completed this summer around the Croswell-Lexington School District. Our old stadium wooden bleachers were condemned in May due to rotting support boards. It was determined that we needed to replace or repair them. We decided that it was time to upgrade to aluminum bleachers. In conjunction with our coaches and administration, we decided that it was time to move the home side to the WEST side of the stadium. Two main reasons for this: first, on the East side, our coaches, players, and fans look into the evening sun; second, once our new high school gym and locker rooms are complete, all athletes, including those using the stadium, will be able to leave the new "home" side and go right into the new locker rooms.

Once we began the work preparing for new bleachers, we realized that the old light towers were impeding our progress on both sides of the stadium. Again we realized that it was time to replace the decades-old lighting with new. The entire project will be complete by mid October. For the first home game on August 28, we'll have new lights and new visitor bleachers on the East side, which will serve as the home side until late fall when the new home bleachers are installed.

We are nearly finished with our new Meyer playground. The main play structure was moved from across Lake Street. We will also be adding new swingsets. As you may know, the Lexington DDA provided funds to defray the cost of the new parking lot. The new playground will be open on the first day of school.

Finally, we are re-finishing all of our buildings' floors using a very modern method. Using this method, we will no longer put wax on the floors, but will elicit a nice "shine" using a new grinding method on all of our terrazzo floors. This will also save the district thousands of dollars per year in wax and labor costs.

You are always welcome to contact me via email at
I look forward to hearing from you.

Until my next blog,

Kevin D. Miller, Ph.D.